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Extra reading for Media

Because of the nature of Media studies it is good to keep up with changes in the media industry.
The Media Magazine that we have a subscription to is excellent, it is wide ranging and contemporary but also exam focused. It is a good idea to find some examples of articles in here that you could potentially discuss in a university interview of in your UCAS statement.

It always covers topical issues and has clear, accessible explanations of theory. You can see the latest issue here and also access old copies.

You can access it here

Check your school email for login and password

Another brilliant resource is The Media Show on BBC Sounds. This is a radio broadcast that covers loads of really relevant topics. For instance this week there is an interview with the editor of The Guardian, Katherine Viner.

Just listening to this weeks episode gave us a brilliant quote from the editor;

I think the politics the Guardian are really interesting because and often very disappointing for lots of people on the left because we are not a Labour paper in fact if we have ever been attached to any political parties to the Liberal Party as was what we are as laid out by CP Scott an nearly 100 years ago.
We are a news organisation that has a kind of broad range of perspectives from the kind of soft right to the left and it's incredibly important according to our mandate.

We have a range of perspectives that people disagree with each other so we had pro corbyn and anti corbyn columnists, we will have pro Starmer economists and anti.

All of them speaking with their own voice and that pluralism is the key to the Guardian we don't line up behind parties or individuals we line up behind ideas and policies

The Media section of The Guardian is also excellent for keeping up with developments.

In addition, if you prefer good old print have a look at these texts to deepen your understanding.

If you haven't already this one, Mark Dixons Essential theory

is really good

You can also get student guides that complement the revision book here

Obviously all of these sources will help you reinforce your understanding of media for the exam, for UCAS, for further study and also for general interest and to make you a more interesting human being!


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